Our office is open and we are seeing patients. To ensure patient and staff safety, we have implemented all CDC guidelines.

Here are steps we have taken to ensure a streamlined and safe visit:

  1. All employees are screened by questionnaire and temperature every day.
  2. We have fewer employees and doctors per day to ensure social distancing.
  3. All staff and doctors are wearing face masks, and/or face shields and gloves.
  4. All patients are temperature screened before entering the practice and are encouraged to make use of hand washing stations.
  5. All patient visits are spaced out for social distancing. If you prefer, you may wait in your car until your appointment time.
  6. All patients must wear face masks or face covering their entire visit.
  7. We clean and sanitize the office and all equipment at frequent intervals.

Thanks for your support – we look forward to maximizing your health and your happiness. If you have any questions, feel free to call our office at (559) 298-7533

– The West Coast Podiatry Inc. Team